It does not matter whether you are saving some portion of your salary in a savings account or not, there are times when things go out of control. For example, medical emergencies are occasions when you have to take out all your savings and if matters are critical, you end up borrowing money from here and there. Even having a pet is enough to cost you thousands of dollars because if something goes wrong with the pet you will either have to lose this loved one or if you get your pet insured, you will have to pay premiums for the insurance.
Among many different methods for obtaining money to meet your urgent and emergency needs, there is one called logbook loan. Logbook loan is probably the easiest of loans to understand. The loan is obtained against the logbook of your vehicle. The logbook gives the proof to the lender of the loan that you are the owner of it. Once you have proved your ownership of the vehicle, these ownership documents are kept by the institution giving you the loan. Against this transaction the loan is forwarded to you in the form of a cheque mostly and cash rarely.
In short, you have given your vehicle to the lender in exchange of money you got as loan. However, that’s not exactly the case with this type of loan. In reality, you will only give the ownership documents of your vehicle and still keep the vehicle. In simple words, you will have the loan amount in your hands and also your vehicle that you will be using just like you did before you obtained the loan. However, if you fail to give the loan back then your vehicle’s ownership that rests with the lender will be used to take the vehicle from you.
This type of loan is often obtained by people who don’t have a good credit score and their vehicle is the only thing against which they can obtain the loan. The loan requires the transfer of ownership of the vehicle to the lender. These lenders can be found on the street or you can use the online method to get this type of loan. The amount that is forwarded to you against your vehicle is mostly the half of what your vehicle is actually worth. However, the interest rates on this type of loan can be quite high so it is best to know them before obtaining the loan.
There are some lenders who will still check your credit and might decline the loan but institutions like ELogbookloan are greatly helping people in making this type of loan easy. For example, they can make their payments earlier without being charged any penalties for doing so. Their weekly installments are very affordable and there are no admin fees involved in the whole transaction. With duration of the loan at 3 years, it is quite easy for borrowers to return the loan at their ease and with very easy weekly installments.
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