How To Lose Your Driver’s License In Colorado

Losing your driver’s license in Colorado is much easier than you might think. It’s not at all uncommon to get a letter in the mail informing you that your driver’s license has been suspended or restrained without any idea how it happened. There are more than sixty-five ways to lose your driver’s license in Colorado due to traffic tickets, and it can happen even if you are paying tickets right away. If you’ve been racking up tickets and points, it’s important to call an experienced Boulder driver’s license attorney or Boulder traffic lawyer as soon as possible to avoid losing your license.

The First Step To Losing Your Colorado Driver’s License Is Usually Suspension

Your license can be suspended for simply for getting too many points on your license during a period of time, even if you pay the tickets immediately. Who would have known? If you’re convicted for not having liability insurance, you’re usually required to obtain special, and expensive, SR-22 insurance that contains a rider where the insurance company guarantees that the policy will remain in effect for a certain amount of time. Failing to obtain the insurance, or cancelling it, can result in suspension. Your license can also be suspended for failing to provide proof of insurance, failing to comply with child support or simply ignoring tickets. Suspensions are by their nature temporary and steps can be taken to have your license reinstated.

How a Boulder Driver’s License Attorney Can Help You

In order to reinstate your license, the proper protocol must be strictly followed. The first step is to determine your eligibility date which will be based on the underlying cause for your suspension. Some types of reinstatements are more straightforward than others. For example, if your license was suspended for failing to pay child support, getting it up to date and an administrative fee is all that is required. The process is similar for unpaid tickets. Points suspensions will usually require the completion of a suspension period as well as proof of liability insurance. The best way to ensure that your license is reinstated promptly is to work with an experienced Boulder driver’s license attorney.

How Has COVID-19 Impacted Personal Injury Suits?

Personal injury lawsuits are a major part of the average court’s docket, but with COVID-19 still threatening communities around the country, it’s been hard to keep up with the litigation schedule – and the problem isn’t just with the courts. Rather, in addition to court system delays, victims have to contend with law firms closing their doors, aggression on the part of insurance agencies, and barriers to post-injury medical care. It’s a challenging situation and it’s forcing lawyers to rethink how they handle their cases, with interesting results.

Going Virtual

One of the biggest changes to litigation in the age of COVID-19 is the shift from in-person interactions. That includes virtual consultations with lawyers, telehealth appointments, and even entirely virtual courtroom experiences. This can be off-putting to some victims, who may think that it’s better to delay their claim until it can be handled in person, but any lawyer familiar with the system will emphasize that you can’t afford to delay. Delays can compromise the case and make it harder to tie your injuries to the accident that caused them.

You Need A Network

Because normal services – not just legal, but medical and administrative – have been so significantly disrupted by COVID-19, one of the most valuable things accident victims can do is work within a network of service providers. That’s why the Baum Law Firm provides clients with medical referrals to ensure they have access to the care they need in a timely manner, and that they receive it from doctors with experience handling personal injury cases. At a time when systems are lagging behind so significantly, working within a network of service providers can ease communication and keep your case on track.

Predatory Proceedings

Personal injury claims can take quite a while to resolve under normal conditions, and that’s stressful for victims. Factor in the extended timelines created by COVID-related delays and victims can become panicked. This may be one of the hardest things for personal injury lawyers right now – extending empathy to clients and reassuring them that their case remains a priority. The degree of delay right now can cause victims to panic and accept predatory settlements, but appropriate client management on the part of lawyers can minimize the likelihood of this happening.

Court In A Time Of Crisis

Navigating personal injury claims requires that all the right pieces be in place – medical care, legal support, insurance coverage, and much more. As with the problem of case delays, managing all of these moving parts is hard under the best circumstances, but it’s much harder when clients may be out of work and struggling to pay their bills; at that point, their court cases cease to be a priority. Instead, they need to focus on day to day survival. The fact that personal injury lawyers typically operate on a contingent basis can help, but if a client is struggling to pay for their health insurance or rent, it may not be enough.

It’s unlikely that courts, especially in major cities, will resume normal operation in the near future, and when they do, they’ll be facing a serious backlog of cases, as well as an influx of COVID-related litigation. These delays will make personal injury lawyers’ jobs harder and leave clients in limbo for months, at a minimum. Law firms need to prepare for this reality because, when it comes to personal injury cases, delays aren’t just about time – they’re a sign of a system in crisis.


Why Empathy Still Matters in Legal Practices

Lawyers are increasingly turning to technological solutions to improve productivity and results, and the job itself requires a technical precision that is in some ways completely divorced from human emotion; there can be no emotion manipulating your stance when interpreting the law.

However, empathy is still vital for success in most legal practices. Empathy is the capacity to connect with and understand the emotions of another person. In this context, it usually refers to empathy with your clients, but may also refer to empathy with opposing counsel, judges, or potential jurors. In any case, with sufficiently high emotional intelligence, you can incorporate more empathy into your practice and ultimately see better results.

But why does it matter in the first place?

Creating Comfort for Clients

First, expressing empathy allows you to create a comfortable environment for your clients. When speaking with them one on one, you’ll be able to understand what they’re going through, and communicate with them in a way that makes sense to them. This has a number of positive effects, both for the individual case and for your practice overall.

For starters, your communication will greatly improve. Clients who trust you will be far more likely to open up; they’ll tell you more important details about their case and their circumstances, and will be more likely to ask questions if they don’t understand something. Also, because you understand what they’re thinking and feeling, you’ll be able to frame your explanations in a way that makes more sense to them. For example, if you’re practicing family law, navigating a child custody battle or a heated divorce, you’ll be able to gather more details about your client’s marriage, and you’ll be able to better inform them of their options moving forward.

Additionally, practicing empathy helps you establish a team environment. You and your client are collaborators, working on a common goal. If you’re able to relate to them and understand their frame of mind, you’ll be better capable of helping them achieve their goals.

Comfort for clients is also good for your reputation and your future. Even if you don’t win the case or see favorable results, your client will remember how well you treated them—and how comfortable they were with you. They’ll be far more likely to refer you to a friend or family member in the future, which is very important for growing practices.

Preparing for Opposition

Empathy also allows you to proactively prepare for potential opposition. There are many forces that could be working against you, depending on what type of law you’re practicing and the nature of the case. For example, if you’re defending someone being accused of a criminal act, you’ll face a prosecutor who’s going to see your client in a negative light and relentlessly attack them. If you’re fighting a custody battle, you’ll have another parent and another lawyer to contend with.

Obviously, preparing a defense is part of your job, whether or not you want to practice empathy. But empathy can make this responsibility easier—and can help you get better results. Empathy allows you to tap into the thoughts and feelings of other people, so you can anticipate and defend against them—or in some cases, exploit them as weaknesses. What is the other side thinking and feeling? What would they be willing to sacrifice to achieve their goals? What do they want to hear right now? With sufficient preparation here, you’ll be a better negotiator, and you’ll make a better argument in front of a judge and/or jury.

Improving Empathy

With this philosophy, you can improve your practice by improving your own empathy. But to many of us, empathy is unintentional; it’s a byproduct of our understanding of others. Fortunately, there are several tactics you can use to improve your own ability to practice empathy:

  • Put emotions into words. First, spend more time putting emotions into words—including your own. It will help you think about feelings in a more concrete, understandable way.
  • Consider the feelings and circumstances of others. Throughout daily life, ask yourself how other people might be feeling—and why they might be feeling that way.
  • Mirror facial expressions and body language. When talking to other people, go out of your way to mirror their facial expressions and body language. This will help you innately feel what they feel, to a degree.
  • Challenge your own biases and worldviews. Think carefully about the factors that may limit you from comprehending the circumstances of others.

No matter how naturally empathetic you are to start, you can improve your emotional intelligence and provide better services for your clients. The more time and energy you spend on these efforts, the more you’ll be rewarded.

Why Hire Felicetti After a Car Accident

Cаr ассіdеntѕ оftеn lеаd tо ѕеrіоuѕ іnjurіеѕ. Mаjоrіtу оf car ассіdеntѕ are caused bу carelessness аnd unrulіnеѕѕ оf drіvеrѕ. Some may аlѕо оссur duе tо іntоxісаtіоn оr drug-іnfluеnсеd ореrаtіоn оf саrѕ. Poorly dеѕіgnеd rоаdѕ аnd inappropriate trаffіс ѕіgnаlѕ соmbіnеd wіth dеfесtіvе vеhісlеѕ or tіrеѕ mау also саuѕе accidents. In оrdеr tо соmреnѕаtе fоr damages іnсurrеd, сhаrgіng a lаwѕuіt аgаіnѕt the nеglіgеnt driver may bе required. Similarly in thе саѕе оf аn ассіdеnt a реrѕоn mау аlѕо be rеԛuіrеd tо dеfеnd himself against a lаwѕuіt. Judicial рrосееdіngѕ regarding thе ѕаmе tеnd to bе еxtrеmеlу соmрlісаtеd аnd lеngthу. As such, enlisting thе ѕеrvісеѕ of a lawyer such as Felicetti рrоvеѕ to be іmроrtаnt. Lаwѕ rеlаtіng to саr accidents tеnd tо be vаrіеd аnd соmрlеx.

Lawyers dealing еxсluѕіvеlу іn car ассіdеntѕ hаvе a grеаt deal оf knоwlеdgе about thе vаrіоuѕ lеgаl аѕресtѕ, whісh affect a саѕе оf саr accident. They аrе fаmіlіаr wіth the рrосееdіngѕ аnd rеԛuіrеmеntѕ, which nееd tо bе fоllоwеd whіlе charging оr dеfеndіng a lаwѕuіt. A lоt оf рареrwоrk аnd fоrmаlіtіеѕ are required to bе completed. Thеѕе may relate to fіllіng uр of іmроrtаnt forms, dеаlіng wіth insurance companies аnd vаrіоuѕ judісіаl machineries.

It іѕ a соmmоn misconception thаt thе ѕеrvісеѕ оf all lаwуеrѕ dealing іn саr accidents are expensive. Thіѕ is not true. A lawyer оf gооd rерutаtіоn will not сhаrgе fоr аn іnіtіаl соnѕultаtіоn. So, іn саѕе the реtіtіоnеr has questions аbоut іnjurіеѕ ѕuѕtаіnеd durіng аn accident and further рrосеdurеѕ tо be followed, іt is аdvіѕаblе tо call a lawyer. Bеѕіdеѕ, іt іѕ оbѕеrvеd thаt mоѕt lаwуеrѕ now work оn соntіngеnсу fee basis, whісh mеаnѕ that thе lаwуеr gets раіd оnlу if thе реtіtіоnеr gеtѕ соmреnѕаtеd. A good саr ассіdеnt lаwуеr іѕ gеnеrаllу expected tо inform the сlіеnt with thе likely costs аnd fees оf a lаwѕuіt, аѕ well аѕ thе chances fоr ѕuссеѕѕ. A реrѕоn оught tо be аwаrе оf thе рrоbаblе costs аnd еxресtеd оutсоmе оf thе саѕе. Aссоrdіnglу, a реtіtіоnеr ѕhоuld рlаn hіѕ budget tо оbtаіn орtіmum services оf a lаwуеr. Infоrmаtіоn rеgаrdіng thе services оf car ассіdеnt lawyers can bе оbtаіnеd thrоugh thе yellow раgеѕ оr thе Intеrnеt. Cоnduсtіng a bіt of research аnd соmраrіng prices can hеlр a реrѕоn еnlіѕt thе ѕеrvісеѕ of аn аffоrdаblе саr accident lаwуеr.