You have been through a great deal in the last few months. Recovering from the accident has not been easy. Most of your energy has been put into learning to walk again and reacquiring the use of your limbs. Family and friends have been supportive. Not a day has gone by when the people you love most have not been there for you. The emotional support has been crucial to the regaining of your physical strength. However, your material well-being, and that of your family, is another matter. The bills are piling up, and there is not enough money coming into pay them. For the first time, you have had to think seriously about money. You desire strongly to go back to work. But you don’t need a doctor to tell you that, in the near term, it is impossible for you to do so. Your family is in trouble. You must find some way to get them out of it.
Why You Should File A Law Suit
You don’t remember much from the accident. But as you think and recall the images and actions that led up to the collision you cannot help believing that the fault lies with the other driver. The only way to gather the evidence that will prove this is to hire a lawyer.
Your lawyer will not only help you get the evidence that proves the negligence of the person who hit you they will also work to get you compensation. Personal injury lawyers such as the ones found in Ankin Law Office possess the insight, expertise, and experience to help you file a law suit that will get you the money you deserve.
You should not hesitate to take this action. Personal injury law suits are not about seeking revenge. They are among the most civilized tools ever devised to settle disputes between individuals. And make no mistake: the collision and its consequences amounts to a dispute between you and the person who hit you.
Getting The Right Amount Of Money
Some law suits go to trial; most are settled out of court. The latter is the preferable outcome as it saves you a great deal of time and money. However, you must still get a settlement that is commensurate with the pain, suffering, emotional strain, and missed opportunities for work you’ve had to endure. It is important to work with a lawyer who knows how to handle such cases—an able negotiator who can get a settlement that is very much in your favor.
In the end, getting the money is more about ensuring the safety and material security of your family than anything else. The loss of revenue that is a direct result of the accident imperils everything you’ve worked so hard to build. Your home, your car, your other possessions are now under threat. You must move fast to save them. You should not allow the recklessness of another to ruin your life.