Millions of Americans have unpaid medical bills with an estimated average of $2,000. Medical bills pile up not only due to the rising costs of healthcare, but primarily because medical debts are often unplanned expenditures. Medical debts are incurred out of accidents or emergencies.
More often than not, we only learn how much we owe for medical services and procedures after the services have been performed. More often than not, the prices on the health care bill are difficult to comprehend and arrive at a time when we are unprepared for expenses.
In some states where the health facility has rights to a lien, the medical debt may be recorded against your property, thereby drastically reducing your credit rating. A low credit rating will put you in a situation where you will have difficulty in financial standing.
Medical Debts End Up As Credit Card Loans
Health insurance often covers only a measly portion of the health care bills. If we were unable to set up enough emergency fund we have difficulty in settling our medical bills. Health facilities encourage patients to pay their bills using their credit cards to be assured that they would be able to collect payments.
Our hospital bills end up as an unsecured loan in credit card companies with high-interest rates. Because the expenditure was unplanned, we are barely able to remit payments every month until we end up mired deep in debt.
Dealing With Debts Collectors Is A Hassle
Credit card companies pass the medical debts to collection agents who often pester the already beleaguered debtor with frequent calls. You are protected by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act which provides against harassment and assures confidentiality of your indebtedness.
GM Law Firm, LLC can help shield you from harassment perpetrated by collection agencies and help you negotiate for affordable payment of your medical debts. When you take us, we immediately inform your creditor to only communicate with us as your counsel.
Unraveling Your Medical Debt
We then subject the credit amount under careful review and verification. Our negotiators work out a debt management plan with your creditor to reduce your medical debt to a fraction of its original amount, to be paid with a lower interest rate, for a longer period of time.
Call Us Today
Please contact us today and be protected against harassment from debt collectors. Even if you have debt collection problems other than for medical debts, we can discuss and work out a feasible debt settlement. Consult now with our attorney for free. Get relief from pestering debt collectors today.