Three Rights You Have As a Consumer

As a consumer, it’s essential that you are aware of all the shopping rights that protect you whenever you make a purchase. Knowing what you are entitled to will simplify and strengthen the process of making a claim whenever there is one to be made.

Here are three rights that you have as a consumer:

You have a right to legal protection when in debt

There will always be collectors and creditors out there that prey on consumers like yourself who have no background in the legal sector. It’s a good thing, then, that you have a right to legal protection whenever your consumer rights are violated.

Importantly, it’s essential that you remember that you are entitled to seek lawsuit help when fighting debt. If you don’t seek and accept this type of assistance, you could be at the mercy of creditors and the crippling interest rates that they charge for years on end.

You have rights when it comes to product quality

The Consumer Rights Act 2015 ensures that all products that you purchase — whether they’re physical or digital — must be as they were described on the box, they must be fit for the purpose they were designed for, and they must be of satisfactory quality. Anything less, and you have every right to receive a full refund or a product replacement.

The standards that must be met every time you purchase a product are pretty self-explanatory when it comes to ‘as described’ and ‘fit for purpose’. The waters do tend to get a little murkier, however, with regards to satisfactory quality. Of course, the goods that you purchase should never be faulty or damaged when you first purchase or receive them. What is deemed to be a satisfactory condition as time goes by, however, is completely dependent on the product, how much it cost to buy, and where you purchased it.

A child’s toy that was picked out of a bargain bucket in a discount variety shop and cost 50p, for example, wouldn’t be expected to last a year without breaking. A luxury item such as a brand-new 4K HD TV, however, would be expected to last for years without fault. Therefore, what should and should not be held to high standards with regards to satisfactory quality is down to personal judgement — if you don’t want to waste your time making claims that aren’t going to prove fruitful, be sure to remember when you bought your item, where you bought it from, and how it cost at the time of purchase.

You have a right to repairs or replacements

On most of the items that you purchase, there will be a 30-day right to reject. This means that you have 30 days to bring your goods back to the store in order to have them repaired or replaced if you received them in an unsatisfactory quality.

Should any of the following be true, you will be entitled to a refund rather than a repair:

  • The value of the product is disproportionate to how much the repair is going to cost
  • A full-service repair is physically impossible
  • Significant inconvenience is going to be caused to you should the repair go ahead

Winning Truck Accident Lawsuits

Dealing with truck accident lawsuits is more complicated than you would think simply because truck accidents and car accidents are different. The former is more complex and difficult to deal with than the later. Not to mention the fact that truck accident laws differ from one state to another. With this being said, how does one win a truck accident lawsuit? What does winning a truck accident lawsuit involve and require? You can find out the answers to these questions and more by continuing reading this article.

Collect as Much Evidence as Possible

To make sure that your lawsuit will be a winning one, you have to collect as much evidence as possible. Everything from the truck driver’s name, the license number of his vehicle, his or her contact information, the name of the company he or she is working for, the vehicle’s information, the license plate, the insurance information, to the damages caused by the accident.

Make sure to also secure some witnesses who have been there when the accident took place and can recall what has happened there. If possible, take as many photos of the accident scene, the vehicles and their condition, the road and any possible particularities existing there, road or weather conditions, road signs, injuries, and anything you might consider important and worthy of acting as evidence.

Know When to File a Truck Accident Lawsuit 

The first thing you want to consider to win in a truck accident lawsuit is to know when to file for the lawsuit. Obtaining a somewhat acceptable settlement involves many steps along the way. You should know that the majority of the accidents are settled outside of court. This is when the mediation and negotiation process between your lawyer and the insurance agent of the other party involved take place.

This happens because going to trial can be time and money-consuming, especially when you are going against a large truck company. But if the two parties fail to reach an agreement, and if the lawyer of the injured party considers that his or her client could receive more compensation, only then should they file for a lawsuit against the truck driver.

Get All the Help You Might Need

The last thing on this list which can guarantee the success of your truck accident lawsuit is to get all the help you might need. In most cases, this comes in the form of a truck accident lawyer. The first thing that a lawyer can help you with is to offer you the compensation you deserve for your damages.

Your knowledge alone about how to handle such a lawsuit might not be enough when dealing with the fearful and much more experienced lawyers of the truck company. A lawyer has both the knowledge you might lack as well as the tactics and methods to deal with your case.

All in all, truck accident lawsuits might be more complicated than your average car accident lawsuits, but at least now you know what you need to do to get yourself a winning case.

Remember to dress appropriately when going to a trial. Think about what your future images will tell about you. Do you want to underline how smart you are, what a powerful personality you have? Then choose your clothes based on your purposes. Think of the whole image including accessories – they are as important as suits and shoes. Bring more than one suit so that you can change and try different options during the photo shoot to see which one looks the best, bring different outfits.

CCPA Compliance

The year 2020 іѕ juѕt аrоund thе corner, but the tіmе аnd еffоrt rеԛuіrеd tо асhіеvе соmрlіаnсе іѕ аrguаblу thе mоѕt сrіtісаl fасtоr that many businesses have to take into account. Buѕіnеѕѕеѕ hаvе until Jаnuаrу 1, 2020, tо соmрlу with CCPA (also known as CCPA compliance), mеаnіng thаt thеіr data рrіvасу рrасtісеѕ аrе ѕubjесt to аudіt by CCPA аudіtоrѕ. With tіmе tісkіng, CCPA readiness іѕ lаggіng: According to a TruѕtArс ѕurvеу, 86 реrсеnt оf businesses аrе nоt рrераrеd fоr CCPA. Should they take steps to be ready for CCPA? The answer is definitely yes.

Businesses thаt don’t соmрlу by Jаnuаrу 1 mау bе ѕubjесt tо ѕtіff penalties that will be reflected in their profits. CCPA реnаltіеѕ (issued vіа сіvіl саѕеѕ from the аttоrnеу general) can reach up tо $2,500 реr unіntеntіоnаl vіоlаtіоn аnd uр to $7,500 реr іntеntіоnаl vіоlаtіоn. That’s a lot of money that each business owner should be worried about. Fortunately, CCPA is not in effect yet, and right now is the last call in order to make all the necessary preparations before the beginning of the next calendar year.

The іmреndіng dеаdlіnе іѕ lіkеlу tо cause waves оf anxiety bесаuѕе buѕіnеѕѕеѕ must not оnlу сhаngе a number оf buѕіnеѕѕ рrасtісеѕ, but also dерlоу ѕуѕtеmѕ tо іmрlеmеnt new соnѕumеr rights.

And whаt аbоut consumers? In short, their personal data іѕ рrоtесtеd bу CCPA. Pеrѕоnаl dаtа іnсludеѕ “information thаt іdеntіfіеѕ, rеlаtеѕ to, dеѕсrіbеѕ, is сараblе оf bеіng аѕѕосіаtеd with, or could rеаѕоnаblу bе linked, directly оr іndіrесtlу, with a раrtісulаr соnѕumеr оr household.” That’s a lot to take in for a business of any size.

Tаkе note thаt the CCPA amplifies thе dеfіnіtіоn оf соnѕumеr: “Cаlіfоrnіаnѕ аrе nоt juѕt рrоtесtеd in thеіr rоlеѕ аѕ соnѕumеrѕ, but also аѕ еmрlоуееѕ, раtіеntѕ, tеnаntѕ, ѕtudеntѕ, parents, сhіldrеn, еtс.,” ассоrdіng to аn аnаlуѕіѕ оf CCPA ѕhоrtlу after іt wаѕ рrоmulgаtеd.

Thе асt ѕреllѕ оut consumer рrоtесtіоnѕ іn dеtаіl. Cоnѕumеrѕ have the right tо:

  1. Knоw whаt personal іnfоrmаtіоn іѕ bеіng соllесtеd by a buѕіnеѕs
  2. Knоw thе business or соmmеrсіаl purpose оf соllесtіng реrѕоnаl іnfоrmаtіоn
  3. Obtain a сору оf thеіr реrѕоnаl іnfоrmаtіоn
  4. Knоw if аnу оf that іnfоrmаtіоn іѕ bеіng ѕоld, аnd tо whоm
  5. Knоw саtеgоrіеѕ оf thіrd parties wіth whom реrѕоnаl dаtа іѕ ѕhаrеd
  6. Oрt оut оf having thеіr information sold
  7. Tаkе legal асtіоn when соmраnіеѕ brеасh реrѕоnаl dаtа
  8. Hаvе thеіr реrѕоnаl data dеlеtеd uроn request.

If your business is not ready for it, this is the last call to get prepared.

5 Benefits of Hiring a DWI Lawyer

A DWI lawyer can help you if you have been arrested due to drunk driving. The consequence can be big depending on the type of damage you cause due to your reckless driving such as paying a big fine, going to jail and lose your driving license. It can be hard to come out of your situation without the help of a reliable DWI lawyer. The following are 5 benefits of hiring a DWI lawyer.

1. Familiarity with DUI Laws

A DWI lawyer is familiar with the rules, standards, and requirements of the DUI laws. This allows them to navigate around the courtroom in finding a solution to reduce your sentences. He can give you an answer to any question you have on things like avoiding jail time, and illegal interrogation practices. Many attorneys offer free consultations for their clients. You should make use of the free consultation to seek their advice on your case first. Doing so allows you to determine whether it is possible to get a better outcome if you hire a particular DWI lawyer.

    2. Discuss with You about Other Options

DWI Lawyers Fort Worth can discuss with you the available options so that you make the best decision for reducing your sentence. Without the help of an attorney, you will not know that you have other options. The alternative options can prevent you from going to jail. The lawyer can work with the judge to help you get the least sentence. This can make a lot of differences in the severity of the penalty you get. It will result in quicker settlement of the case and save you money in the long term.

    3. Detailed Scrutiny of the DWI Case

A DWI lawyer can provide detailed scrutiny of your case. After reviewing the case, the lawyer will know whether the case can be argued. For example, a case can be argued if the law enforcement officer did not behave reasonably during the arrest. The lawyer can ask for the lab result to be reexamined to ensure that it achieves an accurate result. Many innocent people are arrested on drunk driving charges every year. So, if you get charged with a DWI, you could get out of your situation if you seek help from a DWI attorney.

    4. Identify Loopholes to Get Your Case Thrown Out

A DWI lawyer can identify loopholes that can get your case thrown out, for example, the police use illegal interrogation practices or collect evidence through breathalyzer without informing an impaired driver. He is knowledgeable in keeping out the bad information from your record so that you don’t lose your license or be suspended from driving.

    5. Avoid Permanent Criminal Record

Hiring a DWI lawyer can prevent you from having a permanent criminal record that can ruin your professional life. Drunk driving record can stay for up to 6 years. The record can cause difficulties in finding a job. This is because drunk driving is considered a criminal record and many companies will filter out job applications of individuals who have a history of committing criminal offences. If you have any evidence, you can present it to the DWI attorney. He can help you to evaluate them. He knows which evidence work and can be used in the court to win your favor.







Disability Definition

People with disabilities form one of the more special groups in our society. This is based mostly on the challenges that these people face on a daily basis. As a result, society makes deliberate efforts to ensure that persons living with disability a disability definition The broad nature of disabilities also makes it difficult to define these conditions under one universally accepted definition. The following paper thereby aims to provide an informed analysis of what is considered to be a disability based on the defi

How to Stop Home Foreclosure

While receiving a home foreclosure letter might not be the most pleasant of things, the reality is that more and more people face it on a regular basis. While it might be difficult to handle it or to even accept it, there are some strategies that can help you to either completely stop or at least delay the process. Here are some options you have:

1. Filing for bankruptcy. This step should delay the whole foreclosure process by at least a month or two giving you enough options to explore alternative ways to pay your missed mortgage payments. The moment you file for bankruptcy something called “automatic stay” comes into effect preventing the lender from seizing the property and selling it. The lender can still file to remove the automatic stay, but the whole process might take so long that it will buy some additional time you might need so desperately.

2. Apply for a loan modification. This can still be an option, and can allow you to pay the modified payments that might be more affordable than the original ones. Even if you think it’s unlikely, it’s worth a shot. You never know what circumstances that may be unknown to you may make a loan modification possible.

3. File a lawsuit against your lender. This might be the most difficult option from all the options above as you need a good reason and a high chance of succeeding to proceed. Very often, talking to your attorney prior to filing a lawsuit is your best bet to ensure that you have a chance of winning. Try to find an attorney who is very experienced in this particular area as many attorneys will have little to no experience here.

4. If filing a lawsuit against the lender is not an option, you might want to communicate with your lender. Believe it or not, your lender actually wants to strike a deal with you so that you can complete your payments and keep your house. Your lender ultimately wants you to keep your house as well provided that you find a way to keep up with your payments.

5. Consider selling something you own to make up for the missing payments and keep your home. Is there something that holds value that you would be willing to part with just so that you can keep your home? Write down or try to think of all the things that might be worth something and that could give you just enough money to make the delayed payments.

In the long term, following these simple steps may be just enough to help you avoid foreclosure and keep your home.

National Legal Staffing Support: A Valuable Legal Resource

Outsourcing plays an important role in the operations of numerous businesses across a wide range of industries. Legal process outsourcing, in comparison, is a relatively new development. National Legal Staffing Support Reviews is a trailblazer in legal process outsourcing that provides consumer advocacy and defence law firms with a valuable resource for handling increasing caseload demands. Law firms are experiencing more dramatic spikes in demand for legal services than in the past, and this has given rise to the necessity for legal process outsourcing.

Having an experienced network of attorneys working behind the scenes to help a firm handle their caseload is a huge advantage as it enables that firm to find a balance between meeting demand and providing consistent levels of client care and communication.

Why Law Firms are Turning to Legal Process Outsourcing

While any business experiences highs and lows, law firms are seeing high increases in demand that are difficult to satisfy. The challenge of this is that firms rely on the strength of their attorney teams, and when those teams are stretched too thin because of dramatic increases in demand, client care suffers.

Hiring a host of new attorneys to combat the demand works for a time but comes with its own set of problems: what happens when that demand plateaus and now there are too many attorneys and not enough work to go around? Legal process outsourcing through National Legal Staffing Support provides the perfect solution. When the demand is there, firms can simply reach out and delegate a number of their responsibilities and front- and back-office tasks to the talented network of attorneys under National Legal Staffing Support’s employ.

National Legal Staffing Support Services

National Legal Staffing Support reviews are extremely favourable as firms have found them to be a singular resource to aid in dealing with peaks in demand, keeping overhead costs low, and sustaining a consistent level of client care and communication. Their legal team comes from a wide range of disciplines so all areas of expertise are well represented by the National Legal Staffing Support team. They offer a number of valuable services including paralegal, research, document management, changing developments monitoring, pre-filing analysis, and integrated team.

Paralegal Services

Paralegal services cover a huge area of legal responsibilities including covering pleadings, preparing briefs, pre-litigation, research, keeping up with necessary correspondence, and pre-trial case prep. A law firm that is able to outsource some of these detail-heavy aspects of legality can free up a lot of time to focus more primarily on client care and general correspondence.

Research Services

Research is the backbone of any successful case, and it is also one of the most time-consuming. From researching businesses and their backgrounds, tracing creditors, validations, case-law monitoring and Lexis-Nexis, National Legal Staffing Support can take on many of the firm’s research responsibilities.

Documents Management

Managing documents is an essential part of any case or law firm. Documents management services provided by National Legal Staffing Support Reviews would include indexing documents, managing and organizing records, and investigating and pretrial case prep.

Changing Developments Monitoring

Laws, rules and regulations differ from state to state and jurisdiction to jurisdiction and are constantly changing. Changing developments monitoring involves keeping track of emerging laws, active cases, and any changes to industry and regulatory affairs, as well as federal laws.

Pre-Filing Analysis

Pre-filing analysis covers summary memorandums, conducting case-law research, preparing litigation files, and trial pleadings.

Integrated Team

Integrated team services covers managing electronic files, web-based communication hubs, tagging documents and general customer relationship management.

National Legal Staffing Support provides a number of crucial services to law firms while keeping their overhead costs to a minimum and allowing them to maintain a consistent level of client care and communication.


Events That may Result in a Wrongful Death Lawsuit

Suffering due to an injury can be a horrific experience. Watching a loved one go through it may be even worse for some. After an accident, it may be difficult to imagine how someone could live through something so tragic. Then, unfortunately, they don’t. When a loved one dies as a result of the negligence of another, the surviving family members may be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit against the guilty party whether the death was accidental or not. Here are some examples of how someone may pass away because of another’s missteps.

Drunk Driving Accident

Tying one on at the local bar and then driving home should never occur, and yet many people do just that. The lucky ones get pulled over and charged with DUI, but those who wind up causing an accident can shatter the lives of innocent people. A personal injury attorney tampa can help your family recover a substantial settlement in the wake of a wrongful death caused by a drunk driver. In many cases, the guilty person walks away from the deadly scene. Drinking and then operating a car is negligent behavior, and therefore may result in a substantial settlement for the family.

Medical Procedure Gone Wrong

You would think that a hospital is one of the safest places on the planet, but due to unfortunate errors, it may prove deadly. Doctors and medical staff may improperly chart a drug allergy or make a mistake on the operating table. There is so much room for error in medicine that malpractice insurance is required for all doctors. When someone you love is the victim of a medical mistake caused by negligent behavior, you may recover money in court.


It may seem extreme, but intentional murder is a grounds for a wrongful death suit. If someone is accused of setting out to harm or kill another, they can be held accountable in civil court and criminal court. Even if the perpetrator is not found guilty of the crime, they can still be found liable for the death. This may result in a seizure of the guilty party’s assets to try and get some closure for the victim’s family.

Grieving the loss of a loved one can only be made more difficult by the circumstances surrounding the death. If a person you know died as a direct result of someone else’s careless behavior or decision, you might be able to go after them in a wrongful death lawsuit. Check with an attorney to see what your rights are under the statutes and get some closure.


How to incorporate a limited company in Singapore

The procedure to incorporate a company in Singapore is fast and straightforward today. Anyway, there are certain requirements to be fulfilled before you can register a company in Singapore. The foreign companies have their head offices in Singapore because Singapore is motivated to attract them and develop local businesses in Singapore and provides tax exemptions.

All companies in Singapore must be registered with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) and maintain the Companies Act. While there are five different elements to look over, the most widely recognized and adaptable business element that can be set up in Singapore is the private limited company. The Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) which also acts as the Company Registrar of Singapore, oversees the procedure for limited company incorporation in Singapore. If you have chosen to set up a new company or move a current one to the city-state, make sure to follow the requirements authorized by ACRA.

Setting up a business in Singapore can be less tired and time wasting if you have a bit of advice with a well-known incorporated company agent. If a foreigner wants to start a new business in Singapore then he needs to get help from local-business registration provider as they are not allowed to start a new company on their own.

With international scrutiny increasing, managing entity management and subsidiary governance obligations has become a focus point.

Requirements to incorporate a company in Singapore:

Following are the steps to incorporate a limited company in Singapore:

  • Shareholder (individual or corporate entity) at least one.
  • At least $1 initial paid share capital.
  • One resident director.
  • One company secretary.
  • Registered Singapore office physical address.

Company name:

Company name is necessary to register a company in ACRA. It must be unique, easy to read and meaningful. Attempt to incorporate your business exercises in the name itself for this reason. It is also necessary to check whether your picked organization name matches an accessible domain name, as an appropriate web address is a must for expanding business nowadays. Regardless of whether to go for .sg, .com, .org or some other extension will rely upon your target market.


In Singapore, you need at least one and a limit of 50 shareholders for a Singapore Private Limited Company. The shareholder can be foreigners or local people of Singapore, individual or a corporate can be tilted as a shareholder either by buying in for offers in the company or by purchasing the company’s shares. Detail of shareholders will show up on public records.

Resident Directors:

To incorporate a company in Singapore, you should have at least one director who is resident in Singapore, which means a Singapore native, Singapore permanent resident or an individual who holds an Employment EntrePass with a residential address in Singapore. Following that the director ought not to be bankrupted or indicted for any criminal negligence in the past.

Company Secretary:

If you want to incorporate a limited company in Singapore, your company must have Company Secretary to guarantee administrative compliance. Singapore organizations state to designate secretary within the six months of company incorporation. Secretary should be commonly resident in Singapore.

Registered Address:

A company should have registered physical address not the P.O.Box. The address will also be considered as an official place to send all notices and official documents. You can use the residential address for your company depends on your business category.



How Hazardous Roadways Contribute to Accidents

You know the drill. Accidents happen due to driver error, carelessness, and/or distraction. Well, that’s true in many instances, but not all of them. Roadway hazards often play a large part in accidents, and in fact, often cause them.

Unfortunately, no matter how vigilant of a driver you are, you may not see a road hazard until it’s too late to avoid it. Some of the most common road hazards you need to watch out for include the following:

  • Animals, either alive or dead
  • Stalled or disabled vehicles
  • Accident investigations
  • Rough road patches
  • Loose gravel
  • Bumpy edges
  • Uneven expansion joints
  • Slick road surfaces due to rain or oil
  • Standing water
  • Debris from trees, grasses or other nearby plants and flora
  • Snow
  • Ice, especially black ice
  • Objects that have fallen from another vehicle

Speaking of animals, deer and other wild animals appearing suddenly on a roadway pose a huge danger to drivers, especially during the hours between dusk and dawn. When driving at night in rural areas or known wild animal areas, it’s best to drive with your brights on. This will give you a better chance of seeing animals near the roadway. And remember, if you see one, there likely are others nearby.

Deteriorating Infrastructure

No matter where you live, your local politicians likely decry America’s crumbling infrastructure, especially at election time. But they’re right. The Interstate system was started back in the 1950s when Eisenhower was president. In fact, it’s his signature accomplishment. Many of today’s most heavily traveled bridges were built much earlier than that. For instance, San Francisco’s iconic Golden Gate Bridge was constructed in 1933.

With so many of our roads and bridges in a state of disrepair, the possibility of road hazards caused by this disrepair poses an almost never-ending danger. Obviously, you have no way of avoiding driving on a deteriorating roadway, but when you do, keep an eye out for the following:

  • Potholes
  • Uneven driving lanes
  • Crumbling edges
  • Cracks in the pavement
  • Faded pavement areas
  • Narrow shoulders
  • Damaged or broken guardrails
  • Damaged or broken road signs

Construction Zones

Roadways generally have a life expectancy of around 20 years. For many areas of the country, especially the urban areas, this means that your year has five seasons: summer, fall, winter, spring, and orange barrel season. The latter often lasts nine months out of the year.

Construction zones pose numerous hazards that make driving difficult if not nearly impossible. Hazardous roadways under construction are notoriously hazardous places full of such things as the following:

  • Construction vehicles and materials
  • Construction workers
  • Closed lanes
  • Concrete barriers diverting traffic from one lane to another
  • Warning signs and/or lights
  • Narrow and/or uneven lanes
  • Speed limit decreases, some of them abruptly
  • Traffic jams
  • Angry and frustrated drivers

It goes without saying that about the only things you can do if you’re stuck in a construction zone is to slow down, obey all signs, drive extra carefully, and try your best to control your temper. If it’s summer, you should also refrain from running your air conditioner full blast. This could easily make your car overheat, resulting in your becoming one more hazard in an already hazardous situation.


How to Retire as A Disabled Person

Author: yodiyim /

If you are disabled, you might be tempted to think that you need to rely on your family for support. Due to your disability you probably had to stop your work at some point, which surely put a load in your finances. Sometimes it might be hard to realize that in reality your situation does not have to be as gloom as it seems to be, because there are people who might be able to help you such as this Federal Disability Lawyer

If you suddenly found yourself in a position that you are considered disabled, know that it doesn’t have to mean that you cannot enjoy your life as much as you used to. Every Federal Disability Attorney would agree with that. What you might want to do is to enjoy your life as much as possible. Get some fresh air and expose your skin on some sunshine, go on a vacation even if it means that you will have to ask somebody to help you with that, do something creative that you have never done, etc. Life is definitely worth living even if it means that you might not be able to do the same things you used to be able to do in the past.

If you are worried about your financial stability after you retire you might want to learn about something called Federal Disability Retirement. If you feel like it is not clearly explained to you on the Internet you might want to contact an FERS Disability Lawyer to shed some light on the topic so that you don’t have to figure all the things out on your own. Sometimes it is better to ask a professional for help with your FERS Disability Retirement rather than trying to figure out everything on your own, because it you make a mistake it can cost you a lot of money.

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Understanding the Role of a Bail Bondsman

If you’re ever unfortunate enough to fall into the 3 percent of Americans arrested every year, would you know what to do? Once you’re behind bars in the Harrisburg, PA area, one option is to remain there while your case works its way through the court.

But because the wheels of justice grind very slowly, this could mean the loss of your job and the inability to pay your bills or support your family. Another option is to secure your release by paying the bail amount set by the judge at your bail hearing. But what if you can’t afford that?

A Bail Bondsman to The Rescue

People who have the financial means can just pay their full bail amount, go home and get their money back when their case is settled. But suppose you’re faced with a bail of several thousand dollars? Could you really come up with that much cash?

If you can’t, the court will allow Harrisburg bail bondsman to post bail on your behalf. But you’ll pay only 10 percent of the total bail amount. Why?

Because that’s the bail bondsman’s non-refundable fee. In return, he or she will post the full amount bail amount. After your case is dismissed or adjudicated, the bondsman gets the bail back and keeps the fee to cover costs.

Finding a Qualified Bail Bondsman

Don’t settle on first bail bondsman you call. A qualified Harrisburg bail bondsman must meet all of Pennsylvania’s legal standards. These include:

  • Completing 24 hours of pre-licensing education credits.
  • Passing the state’s bail bondsman exam.
  • Holding a professional bondsman’s license and passing a thorough background check.
  • Participating in ongoing bondsman’s education courses.

For the quickest results, choose a Harrisburg bail bondsman with an office near where you’re incarcerated. Look for one on good terms with the court, because having an inside connection is never a bad idea!