Small Business Tax Tips You May Not Know

It’s one thing to start a small business. It’s another to manage the finances. There is a lot to consider when wrapping up your end-of-year tax return, and it’s much different than handling your personal taxes.

Thankfully, there are some not-so-complicated hacks out there that could save you money and make the process easier to manage. Here are five tips you may not have known about your small business taxes.

Tax Credits vs. Tax Deductions

What many people don’t know is that there is a difference between tax credits and tax deductions. Usually, we think about various “write-offs” that can be used to lower our overall tax return, such as donations or office supplies. But most likely, you’ll save more money with tax credits than deductions.

If you want to reduce the amount of taxes you owe, a tax credit will be the best bang for your buck. It’s based on the overall amount of taxes you owe at the end of the year. Tax deductions, on the other hand, lower how you are taxed on your income. For small businesses, it usually ends up saving you more, in the long run, to focus on your available tax credits.

Keep Track and Save Your Receipts

The important thing to remember is that you can either do tax credits or tax deductions, but you can’t do both. If you are planning on doing deductions, you won’t want to get lazy with record keeping. Make sure to save all of your receipts and keep track of every expense. There are apps you can use that will help you take inventory of everything and keep it organized so you won’t be scrambling come tax season.

There are more available deductions than you might think, but not everything you purchase for the company is permitted. This is where it gets a little tricky. Hiring a CPA will be able to make sure you are in control of your finances and aren’t mixing business with pleasure. You won’t want to receive an audit only to find out you’ve been blurring the line with your tax deductions.

Start a Retirement Plan

Contributing to a retirement plan, 401(k), or IRA are all tax-deductible. This applies to someone who may have employees or not. If you’re a freelance writer, graphic designer, or some other form of independent contractor, you may be eligible to open a 401(k). Other people who have started a small business can also opt-in to contribute to the same retirement options they provide their employees as well.

Deduct Your Car and Your Home Office

Did you know that you can deduct your vehicle as a tax write-off? Like your home office, a vehicle used for business purposes can be used as a tax deduction. While your daily commute to your office or coworking space is not deductible, drives to meetings and other business commutes are qualified. Don’t forget about maintenance on your vehicle since it’s used for your business as well, along with any parking or tolls you may have encountered on that off-site meeting.

A home office is also eligible for a tax write-off, despite the fact that you live within the space of your office. The easiest way to do this is by multiplying the square footage of your office by $5. The office space, however, cannot exceed 300 square feet. If your office is larger, you can alternatively use the percentage of your office for the entirety of your home. For example, if your home is 6,000 square feet, and your home office is 600 square feet, you are eligible for a 10% deduction.

Hire a Professional

Remember, when in doubt, you should always hire a professional to do the work for you. Handling your small business accounting can be a lot to manage in general, especially when it comes to your taxes. Hiring a CPA can save you and your business time, and they will be able to find ways to save more money than you might be able to without having their knowledge or expertise.


Attorney Marketing Online

Today, you hаvе tо dо уоur mаrkеtіng online іn оrdеr to bе competitive wіth other аttоrnеуѕ. There аrе many wауѕ tо market уоur lаw fіrm оnlіnе that аrе very effective and thаt саn brіng in a grеаt dеаl оf new buѕіnеѕѕ fоr thе fіrm. Attоrnеу mаrkеtіng оnlіnе іѕ nоt muсh dіffеrеnt from оthеr forms оf mаrkеtіng аnd thе successful lаw firm knоwѕ thаt thеу nееd tо take аdvаntаgе оf аll fоrmѕ оf mаrkеtіng online. Sоmе оf the mоѕt соmmоn fоrmѕ оf аttоrnеу marketing оn the Internet аrе ѕеаrсh еngіnе орtіmіzаtіоn, blogs, еmаіl lіѕtѕ аnd рау per сlісk advertising. To find out more about law firm marketing click here.

· Sеаrсh Engine Oрtіmіzаtіоn (SEO) – Anуоnе who dоеѕ nоt have a wеbѕіtе іѕ lіvіng in thе раѕt and is not gеttіng thе benefits thаt come frоm having оnе. But juѕt hаvіng a website is nоt еnоugh. Yоu аlѕо need tо bе аblе tо орtіmіzе іt for bеttеr rеѕultѕ. Thіѕ іѕ done thrоugh mаnу dіffеrеnt tуреѕ оf mеdіа. Onе іѕ bу аrtісlе mаrkеtіng which іѕ vеrу inexpensive аnd іѕ vеrу effective. Anоthеr tуре of mаrkеtіng іѕ uѕіng AdWоrdѕ thаt саn bе purchased to орtіmіzе the ѕеаrсh engine results.

· Blogs – Writing a blog іѕ аlѕо an еffесtіvе and соѕt сuttіng wау to mаrkеt аn аttоrnеу’ѕ office. Sіmрlу write a blog еасh dау оn certain аrеаѕ оf the law thаt реорlе саn read tо gеt advice аnd make sure tо аdd a lіnk to the website at thе bоttоm оf еасh еntrу. Thіѕ allows реорlе to ѕее and еxреrіеnсе thеіr еxреrtіѕе аnd offers them an еаѕу way tо соntасt the аttоrnеу.

· Emаіl Lists and Nеwѕlеttеrѕ – An еmаіl lіѕt іѕ рrоbаblу оnе of thе mоѕt еffесtіvе tооlѕ fоr any marketing. Whеn реорlе view your website, hаvе the visitors ѕіgn uр fоr a free mоnthlу оr wееklу еmаіl newsletter. Thіѕ ѕhоuld bе a letter that іѕ full of facts аnd іnfоrmаtіоn that саn hеlр those who rеаd іt. For example, if уоu are a tаx аttоrnеу, уоu mау want tо ѕеnd out rеmіndеr emails еасh ԛuаrtеr fоr buѕіnеѕѕ owners who nееd tо gеt thеіr ԛuаrtеrlу taxes done.

· Pау Per Click – The attorney’s оffісе places аn ad оn оthеr people’s wеbѕіtеѕ. Evеrу tіmе that link іѕ сlісkеd, thе attorney pays the wеbѕіtе оwnеr a fее.

Mаrkеtіng іѕ always іmроrtаnt and ѕаvvу attorneys knоw that they nееd tо be online mаrkеtіng thеіr lаw firm in order to mаkе іt іn tоdау’ѕ technologically аdvаnсеd world. Thаt’ѕ аll іt takes tо help уоu gеt noticed іn the іnduѕtrу and hеlр уоu to brіng іn thе clients thаt уоu ѕееk.

Appeal Your Judgement

In the ѕрасе оf a fеw years thе legal bаѕіѕ of most any court саѕе hаѕ ѕhіftеd tо іnсludе vіrtuаl lаw ѕеаrсhеѕ. While nоbоdу rесоmmеndѕ you fоllоw thе recommendation of the Google Sеаrсh Pаgе, the option іѕ there to help you fіnd thе rіght lаwуеr, оr ѕееk оut the rіght іnfоrmаtіоn.

Aѕkіng the right question mаttеrѕ.

Thе fundamental bаѕісѕ of law dоn’t rеаllу change muсh, аnd еvеrуоnе knоwѕ there are іnѕ аnd outs of decision makers thаt make thе ultіmаtе сhоісе mоrе іmроrtаnt than еvеr. Sо уоu’ll wаnt tо ѕееk thе mоѕt оbjесtіvе attorney you саn find, whеn уоu’rе looking fоr an аttоrnеу tо hаndlе your соurt саѕе.

If you’ve аlrеаdу bееn to trіаl аnd lоѕt, dіd уоu knоw іt’ѕ оkау tо арреаl your саѕе?

An арреllаtе аttоrnеу can lооk over your court саѕе and dеtеrmіnе if уоu hаvе the орtіоn оf taking уоur case tо the court of арреаlѕ. When уоu appeal your judgment wіth аn арреllаtе аttоrnеу, thеrе are a few bаѕіс соnсерtѕ уоu’ll wаnt to knоw рrіоr tо hіrіng thе оnе person who wоrkѕ fоr you.

1 – If thе соurt’ѕ decision during уоur trіаl dіdn’t ѕееm fаіr – you’ll want tо ask аn appellate аttоrnеу tо lооk аt уоur саѕе.

2 – If your саѕе includes dеtаіlѕ thаt should have bееn ѕераrаtеd – уоu might wаnt to арреаl, tо hаvе separate іѕѕuеѕ ѕеttlеd dіffеrеntlу.

3 – If you wеrе unjuѕtlу ассuѕеd, and thе hеаrіng dіdn’t gо іn your fаvоr – you’ll wаnt tо rеԛuеѕt аn appeal tо have bеttеr rерrеѕеntаtіоn оf your details.

Oftеn a lасk оf dеtаіlѕ can cause a саѕе to bе dіѕmіѕѕеd wіthоut furthеr асtіоn. Or there саn bе оthеr rеmеdіеѕ аррlіеd іn relevant саѕеѕ.

The kеу tо appealing уоur саѕе ѕuссеѕѕfullу is fіndіng the rіght арреllаtе аttоrnеу. Nоt еvеrу attorney іѕ сrеаtеd еԛuаl, аnd you’ll fіnd thе оnе attorney whо wоrkѕ bеѕt fоr уоu, hаѕ your best іntеrеѕtѕ іn view whіlе wоrkіng fоr уоu, аnd accomplishes the task set bеfоrе thеm – is the bеѕt іn thеіr specific аrеа оf еxреrtіѕе. Thе absolute bеѕt іn a specific еxреrtіѕе mау nоt рор uр оn thе Gооglе Search, but thеу’ll рrоbаblу bе lосаtеd bу nаmе.

Mаnу will recognize their name.

Several уеаrѕ back thе ԛuеѕtіоn оf whо tо hіrе mіght hаvе bееn super dіffісult tо find, but mоrе rесеntlу уоu саn аѕk mоѕt аnу attorney fоr a rесоmmеndаtіоn. Aѕkіng friends mіght bе a gооd іdеа, оr asking оthеrѕ whо hаvе rесеntlу hаd court bаttlеѕ. Hоwеvеr, nоnе оf these mау hаvе had your раrtісulаr experience.

Debt Collection Agencies in UAE

It is significant for the business partners to develop trust for every other. Trade occurs between the customer and seller. Same happens with just in case for service providing companies. Business means profit and loss; crisis happens in business also. It happens sometimes that you simply don’t receive the cash on the expected time, which you’ve provided to a different organization. Unpaid invoices definitely create problems for your business. The creditor must take serious actions against the debtor just in case the debtor isn’t ready to return the due amount. So as to recover debt you would possibly need a well reputed debt recovery agency.

While selecting the debt collection agency make sure that agency has relevant license and authorized to operate in the region of UAE. First task of debt collection agency is to develop a link between the creditor and the debtor. Debt collection Dubai agency makes sure to follow certain rules while recovering the debt. It’s the prime responsibility of a debt collection agency to make sure the reputation of the client within the market.
Debt Collection in UAE

The method starts with the reminder to the debtor about the outstanding loan. Agency must be in touch during the entire process with debtor also as creditor. Debt collection is completed on the behalf of customer. are best in their business as they have enough experience and potential to recover every amount from any  debtors. When debt occurs then company faces many issues. Many businessmen attempt to resolve these matters on their own but they create problems rather than resolving this.

The missing debt will be recovered by implementing the approach of debt settlement. Debt collection agencies perform each step of debt settlement in an appropriate manner to assist the concerned parties within the absolute best have been working in the UAE from past Two decades. We can proudly claim that we have provided legal help to thousands of people during this period. have developed extensive network of the associate lawyers all across the world particularly in the Middle East region. Due to our services, we have been ranked as one of the best debt recovery agency in the region. Clients have been our preference throughout our journey. We always think about the betterment of our client. Keeping in view the same criteria, we introduced the policy of NO Win NO FEE. It means that we will only demand the fee, if we made a successful deb recovery. In case we failed to do so, unlike others we will not claim even a single penny in the name of service charges. This initiative was taken by the management to enhance the client’s trust on our firm and the legal procedure for the debt recovery in UAE adopted by us. We believe that when it comes to financial disputes, it’s not an easy task to win the trust of the affected as they are already facing financial constraints due to outstanding amount.

If you have any query related to debt recovery in UAE then feel free to contact us. You will found us at our best to assist you.

Are Autonomous Trucks Going to be on the Nation’s Highways Soon?

The race to field autonomous trucks has started to intensify. There are many startup companies vying for millions of dollars in research funding to make the dream of autonomous 18-wheelers a reality. With the United States freight market estimated to generate approximately 700 billion dollars annually, the competition to get the first autonomous trucks onto our nation’s highways is fierce. But truck accident lawyers fear this race to be first will come at the expense of safety.

Developing the Technology

A San Francisco based company by the name of Otto is developing driverless technology for their trucks. In 2018, one of their autonomous prototypes made a successful 120-mile journey in Colorado between Fort Collins and Denver. Otto’s proprietary driverless system has a micro-super computer that currently carries a hefty price tag of $100,000 per unit, although there are aspirations to lower the cost of the driverless system to around $10,000 per unit as demand increases and governmental policies allow driverless technology to expand onto public roadways.

Other Key Developers of Autonomous Technology

There are many companies all over the world who are in the process of developing autonomous trucking technology. Some of these companies are listed below:

  • Peloton Technology. Peloton Technology has a platform under development called V2V Tech, which enables the autonomous truck to react to the actions of the vehicle in front of its path.
  • The Embark Company has developed a highway auto-pilot system that uses sensors, radar, and cameras to guide the driverless truck to its destination.
  • Einride is a Swedish company that is currently developing an automated electric truck that can be operated remotely or driven autonomously.
  • Volvo has been in the autonomous trucking development business since the inception. In 2017, Volvo unveiled an autonomous garbage collection truck and claim they have autonomous trucks used in underground mines.
  • Kodiak Robotics. This company is reportedly running automated truck deliveries between Dallas and Houston in Texas.

Are Autonomous Trucks Going to be Safer?

The idea of a vehicle cruising down the highway with no one at the wheel is a frightening concept, especially if it is an 18-wheeler. The trucking industry has historically lagged behind everyone else when it comes to truck safety technology.  Because truck accidents cause between 4,000 and 5,000 deaths annually at present, one must take pause when talking about driverless vehicles. But it is interesting to note that the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration has found in studies that human error may account for up to 94% of all large truck and bus accidents.  A computer-driver truck does not need no doze, coffee, nor stretching breaks to complete a long haul without falling asleep. A computer cannot be distracted by a cell phone nor blinded by the sun. A computer also cannot ignore programmed driving rules or laws. Thus, one can also see how an accurately programmed computer might be safer than a human driver. In the end, we will just have to wait and see how accurate the programming is. Society has obviously been allowing of a high level of human error in trucking accidents, will we be as forgiving if we see the same level of computer error?

Christopher K. Fletcher is a trial attorney and Shareholder at Simmons and Fletcher, P.C. He has been practicing law since 2009. Chris was named a Rising Star by Thompson-Reuters in 2020. He has been named as one of the Top 40 Under 40 attorneys by the National Trial Lawyers from 2017 through 2020, He was also named one of Houston’s Top Lawyers by H-Texas Magazine in 2020. He attended Baylor University School of Law and graduated with a special concentration in Civil Litigation. Since then, he has dedicated his career to representing personal injury victims.


Why is it important to make your will?

What would happen to your family if you couldn’t be with them tomorrow?

What would happen to your most precious assets? How would they be distributed with your loved ones? Would your family stay in peace?

To be honest, only a few people are interested in these questions and decide to take action on them. To achieve this peace of mind and have the security you want for the future of your family, having a Will and consulting a probate attorney are a priority.

What is a Will?

A Will is a civil liability; a legal document where the last will of a person is declared when he or she dies and how he will inherit his property and assets (ideally before a Notary or a person with legal authority). In addition, it is the only legal way by which a person can designate heirs.

However, there are many myths and lies that mean that in some states, including Texas, there is not a good culture of prevention. But that’s what they are, lies. The reality is that having a Will is much easier, more accessible, and more valuable than you might think. In Texas you can easily find a Texas probate lawyer. You can find many Texas probate services.

And in this post, we want to spread the importance of ensuring the well-being of your family even when you are absent and deny what is not true.

We will start by establishing several truths:

– It doesn’t take a fortune to make a Will. If you have any property, real estate, car or valuables, you can attest to them. As long as you are in legal possibility to testament, you can easily follow the process. In this case, the presence of an estate attorney is very important.

– There are many different types of Wills depending on your situation or particular needs.

– The procedure is not long or expensive; Any lawyer can advise you in the process and the costs are not expensive at all.

– You can grant the rights to whoever you want, including people who, without the Will, would not have them, in addition to allowing you to regulate the rights of minors even in your absence

– Bring tranquility to your family, order in the inheritance process and protect the future heritage of your loved ones.

If you want to process a Will, the steps to follow are quite simple:

1) Define which assets you want to inherit. Not only real estate, but also objects, bank accounts, copyrighted works and anything that belongs to you. You need some advice from an estate lawyer.

2) Understand 3 essential terms: Legatees (individual to whom you want to designate a specific asset) Executors (individuals appointed to fulfill certain wishes of the Testator) and Guardians (individuals appointed to care for the Testator’s children after his death).

3) Go to a Notary you trust. The process begins formally; To give it validity, it is necessary to legally express the will of the testator before a Notary Public and give it legal value.

4) Bring all the documentation that links you to your assets. Receipts and all kinds of valid documentation, in addition to the necessary paperwork to follow the process.

5) Choose who you want to inherit your property: nephews, friends, family, anyone you want to inherit; You can also recognize children you did not recognize in life but want to protect after you die.

Dealing with a will is not as difficult as you might imagine. One thing is for sure, you need a good probate lawyer.

How to Find a Men’s Divorce Attorney

Each divorce is the death of a small civilization, where two people declare war on each other. Do not be fooled, as a man can lose his children, his house, and his income in a bidding war against his spouse for various reasons without holding any fundamental knowledge on the applicable rules and laws.

It is crucial to understand and consider the history of gender treatment differently in terms of custody over children, marital property, and the divorce process in general. The gender biases have turned tables over the years, but there is still an uphill battle to climb for equal rights in a man’s divorce.

If you are looking for a good Men’s Divorce Attorney to help you through your divorce, you should consider a few essential things.

Know Your Needs

Do not rush to hire a divorce attorney. Take into consideration other alternatives to traditional litigation. If you are not entangled with finances and children, you could hire a mediator to negotiate your terms and conditions. Still, if your negotiation is complicated, you will have to hire a divorce attorney to negotiate your settlement. You can even opt for a collaborative divorce, which focuses on the negotiation to preserve a co-parenting relationship. Your last resort is a litigated trial, where neither side will compromise. So you need to determine the type of divorce attorney you need based on your circumstances and make the right choice to choose an attorney that meets your expectations.

Identify Three Potential Attorneys

Do not jump to conclusions and select the first attorney you meet, as they all are not the same. Find three divorce attorneys that you can interview before making the right choice. The ideal attorney must specialize in family law, help you understand the process, have legal knowledge and experience in the specific type of divorce, solve problems creatively, communicate and negotiate well, and experience in your particular courtroom. To find such a potential men’s divorce attorney, you can ask friends for personal recommendations, go online to numerous websites, or ask your trust or estate lawyer for divorce attorney recommendations.

Interview and Research

Start your interview with an initial phone call and ask them about their specialization and experience with family law. Enquire about their rates, the type of client they typically represent, and avoid attorneys that negotiate exorbitant fees based on anticipated settlements that exceed your cost range. A few divorce attorneys provide a free consultation to discuss your approach and specific situations, so take advantage of it to gather as much legal advice as possible. The divorce process can include coach facilitators, financial experts, forensic appraisers, and parenting coordinators. Find out your divorce attorney’s access to these resources and cross-examine if any would be relevant to your case, as it will affect the overall cost. Ensure to look at the attorney’s trial record and history of success in court to track your attorney’s success in negotiation.

Select an Attorney Who Specializes in Divorce Law

Too often, divorce attorneys for men state that their specialization is in divorce when they don’t. Attorneys who practice in more than one area can trick you into believing that they are divorce attorneys. Before you decide to hire the right attorney, check his/her background, references, and credentials. The divorce attorney you select should be working with a firm specializing in family law, having had experiences with marital divorces, and should have a specialty specifically in divorce.

Go With Someone Local

You will most often cross paths with several advertisements for divorce attorneys for men where the advertisements are national and not local. Ensure that the potential attorney is local not only for convenience but also because your attorney needs to be well-versed in the divorce laws applicable to your state. Divorce laws do change on a state-by-state basis. However, your divorce attorney will need to be licensed in your state and need experience practicing in that state. If your attorney is fresh from another state and has now set up a firm in your state, they may not be very experienced in your state’s divorce laws, even if he or she is experienced in general.

Look For Red Flags

Several attorneys will inform you with information that you want to hear to close the deal as it’s just a business for them. There are no guarantees in this process, so if an attorney is making you promises, do not blindly believe in them and the false promises. If an attorney divulges confidential information based on other cases or provides information on high-profile clients, they would likely do the same to you. Ensure that the divorce attorneys you meet are respectful of other divorce attorneys. It is a sign that they won’t be respecting you either. If your attorneys are constantly distracted by emails or phone calls and cannot focus their full attention on you, then they are likely to not focus on your divorce case either. Ensure that the attorney you select acts according to the industry’s professional ethics and treats you with the attention and reverence you deserve as this might be a business to them, but it is your life.


Make the Decision

When you decide, ensure you choose the divorce attorney who is professional, responsive, local, knowledgeable and communicates well. The divorce attorney you select is a person you need to feel comfortable with, trust, a person who supports your philosophy towards divorce, has a style that fits your work, and is affordable. The divorce attorney recognizes your children’s importance and puts them first in the legal process instead of making unreasonable child support demands or custody arrangements. This is an important decision, and there are no guarantees in this process. Therefore, you must ensure to follow these steps to select the right divorce attorney.


Divorce is an emotional and highly personal process, the outcome of which can have a significant impact on your life. When you select the right men’s divorce attorney, ensure that you pick the one who listens to what you want, advises you well, and has your best interest at heart.








Construction site falls: What they are and how to prevent them

Construction sites are some of the most dangerous workplaces out there. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, about 150,000 construction workers are injured annually. Not surprisingly, construction workers are exposed to all kinds of hazards at all times, from wires that can cause electrocutions, to objects falling from high places and malfunctioning tools, not to mention the most dangerous of all – the risk of falling. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) reported that about 33.5% of construction site fatalities were caused by falls, making it the deadliest type of accident faced by workers in this industry.

OSHA requires employers to maintain certain safety standards in the workplace, but even if your employer complies with everything to the letter, it doesn’t mean you won’t be at risk of a life-threatening fall. If you are a construction worker, you should know all about these types of injuries so that you can avoid them whenever possible and be prepared to act in case you are injured.

If you or a loved one has been injured after a construction site fall, then it may be wise to contact one of the construction injury law firm in los angeles to learn how to obtain the maximum compensation possible for your case, and C&B Law Group may be exactly what you need.

C&B Law Group is a workers compensation law firms los angeles that has helped hundreds of Californians regain control of their lives through workers’ compensation benefits. They are available 24/7 and offer free consultations, feel free to contact them if you have any questions about your case.

Common causes of construction site falls

Construction site falls can be classified as slips and falls or falls from great heights. Either way, this type of accident could cause you catastrophic injuries. But to avoid them, you must know what causes them. The main causes of falls on construction sites are:

  • Slippery surfaces
  • Lack of safety equipment
  • Defective ladders
  • Debris that can cause slips and falls
  • Unmarked excavation sites
  • Bad weather while working on elevated surfaces
  • Poorly constructed scaffolding

Common injuries from falls

Injuries caused by construction site falls can be devastating to any worker’s life if he or she is lucky enough to survive in the first place. Some of the more notable injuries caused by falls include

  • Fractures/multiple broken bones
  • Amputation
  • Traumatic brain injuries.
  • Neck, knee, or back injuries.
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Permanent Disabilities
  • And in the worst-case scenario, death.

How can you prevent them?

Preventing construction site falls could save the lives of about 350 workers each year. To achieve this, both employers and workers must work together to mitigate risks wherever possible.

First, employers should make sure to follow OSHA’s guidelines for preventing these types of accidents. Furthermore, they should try to plan each potentially hazardous job with special care, provide the right equipment for working at heights, train workers to avoid potential dangers, and inspect scaffolds, ladders, and platforms repeatedly to make sure they are fit for use.

In turn, construction workers should seek to be aware of the potential fall hazards they may face before performing any potentially dangerous tasks. Also, they should be familiar with the safety protocols of their workplace so they know what to do in each situation. However, if they find that they lack the necessary safeguards to perform any given job, they should notify their employer immediately so that they can address the issue.


If you fell on a construction site, talk to a lawyer

After you or a loved one suffers a construction site fall, you have no time to lose, you must act quickly to receive a fair settlement that will allow you to regain control of your life. The best way to do this is to work with one of the best workers’ compensation firms in Los Angeles, C&B Law Group.

Remember, the team at C&B Law Group is always available to you. They also have an exciting philosophy: “You don’t pay unless you win”. So you can rely on the services of some of the best construction accident lawyers in Los Angeles without having to pay a cent until you get your money. Contact them now to learn the value of your case in minutes.

Learn more about the law on Legal Facts!

Want to know more about the workers’ compensation process or any other legal issue? Visit Legal Facts! Here you will find easy-to-read legal articles that will help you learn about the law in minutes. On the other hand, if you want to connect with a construction accident lawyer near you, you can do so through Legal Facts’ network of lawyers, which includes legal professionals around the United States especially a workers comp attorney west covina who are always available to you.

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6 Must-Have Tools for New Law Students

It takes great courage and dedication to pursue a law degree. The legal system is complex and for those who aspire to practice law, the bar is set pretty high (pun intended). According to Bar passage data published by the American Bar Association, in 2019, about 70% of people passed the exam on the first try. While it’s a hard exam, it’s not impossible to pass.

Whether you’re just starting law school or you’re settling into your first position after passing the Bar, you need access to the right information and tools. The following tools will help you stay organized, continue learning, and make it easier to research case law.

  1. Excel training courses

Knowing how to use Excel is critical for staying organized and making your life easier. For instance, you can use a standard calculator to calculate your recurring expenses, but it’s easier to program Excel to do the math. When you program an Excel sheet to track your daily, monthly, or yearly expenses, any cost adjustments automatically recalculate your total expenses.

Learning how to use Excel functions, formulas, and shortcuts from will save you time, money, and eliminate frustration. Excel should be on your radar, especially if you plan on managing billing for a law firm.

Once you know how to use Excel functions and formulas, it’s easy to create detailed Excel spreadsheets for managing clients. You can program a spreadsheet to calculate the total number of hours worked and total expenses incurred by each client.

You can also use Excel to track what you discuss in your free consultations and interactions with clients.

  1. Casemine

Studying law requires learning how the law has been applied historically. However, reading through entire casefiles is time-consuming and sometimes impossible. Serious law students need to learn from past cases, but it’s unrealistic for anyone to spend entire days and weeks reading through and interpreting one casefile. That’s where Casemine can help.

Casemine is a legal research platform that uses powerful AI algorithms to find connections between case laws. These connections include links to other relevant cases that can provide further clarity around case law.

The Casemine algorithm makes suggestions for additional relevant keywords and landmark case laws to explore. The Casemine platform doesn’t rely solely on keywords, but rather, interprets the context of documents and search queries, which supports in-depth case law research.

There are other online case law databases, but Casemine has stronger AI algorithms and provides a more thorough connection to other relevant cases. For example, using the visualization interface, you can see connections between case laws, including nuances and patterns not visible from traditional research processes.

  1. Automated billing software

If you’re running your own practice and want a hands-off approach to billing, you need automated software. Many law firms use Practice Panther because it syncs with QuickBooks Online, and clients can pay directly from the invoice. It’s cloud-based so that you can manage your finances from anywhere in the world.

Part of creating a successful practice involves getting clients to pay on time. In this context, little conveniences make the most significant difference. For example, when clients can pay directly from their invoice, you’re more likely to get that payment on time.

  1. Google Scholar

When you need to find journal publications, Google Scholar is an incredibly useful tool. Search for any topic, and you’ll get massive results to look through. While many law students rely on Westlaw, Google Scholar has articles you can’t find on Westlaw.

  1. Cite This For Me

Getting marked down in law school for referencing errors is frustrating yet avoidable. It’s hard to break the habit of making casual references to your sources; however, it’s a habit that doesn’t work in law school.

Cite This For Me makes it simple and easy to create proper citations for various citation styles, including Harvard, APA, AMA, OSCOLA, and MLA.

This useful citation tool even comes with a Chrome extension that allows you to cite your sources as you search.

  1. Westlaw

Westlaw is a comprehensive legal encyclopedia revered by law students and practicing lawyers. This powerful research tool can be used for endless purposes. When you need to answer a client’s question, a little research using Westlaw will give you accurate information fast.

Once you start practicing law, using the Westlaw database will help you create a stronger litigation strategy.

Most universities provide free access to Westlaw, but if you’ve already graduated, you can sign up for an individual access plan.

Tools are only as powerful as your commitment

These tools can help you become successful throughout your career practicing law. However, tools alone don’t bring success. Success requires a combination of powerful tools, commitment to the outcome, and the dedication to persevere.





5 Things You Need To Ask Your Bankruptcy Lawyer in San Diego

When you begin the proceedings to get a bankruptcy filing, then you are going to have to hire a bankruptcy lawyer San Diego, and you will need to be certain that all your questions are answered. Many times, it’s simple for the attorney to start from the legal proceedings and forget to describe everything for you. Bankruptcies are definitely not simple, and they are able to be procedures which are confusing and stressful.

Where Can You Find Bankruptcy Lawyers in San Diego?

There are several ways you can find a bankruptcy lawyer:

Asking Friends and Associates: You can get recommendations from your friends and family who have been through a bankruptcy and can get information from them.

Law Sites: You can go online and look for bankruptcy attorneys on law sites such as Justia list lawyers, Yelp lawyers San Diego, and other popular law sites.

For you started and to allow you to feel a little less overwhelmed, Here are a few of the questions that you need to ask your San Diego bankruptcy lawyer:

Can I File for Bankruptcy?

A bankruptcy attorney will let you know if you need to file for bankruptcy. If all your property and income will be exempt from garnishment or execution, bankruptcy might not be your very best alternative. A bankruptcy lawyer will let you know if that’s how it is.

What Kind of Bankruptcy Should I File?

There are various kinds of bankruptcies and that one is going to work for you may depend on your bankruptcy problem. A lot of people don’t understand that, and they think they can simply get their debts wiped away. This isn’t the situation, and you’ll want to be certain to understand exactly what will be submitted long before you begin the bankruptcy proceedings. In this manner, you won’t be surprised by this procedure.

How Long Will The Bankruptcy Process Last?

Naturally, there are lots of things which may impact this. You’ll have to receive all the paperwork filled out. The court dates will need to be put. The creditors will need to be contacted. Overall, there’s no set time frame that the procedure will require. But, an experienced bankruptcy attorney will understand the court systems there and will be able to assess the situation. Then, they should be able to better give you an idea of what time length the process will take.

What Will Your Fees Be?

Different attorneys cost different amounts of money. For instance, it may be dependent on the time period that the lawyer might need to spend working on the situation. From time to time, it may depend on how hard or convoluted your particular situation is.

How to Prevent Denial Of Discharge?

As well as advising you about what money you will legally spend, a great bankruptcy lawyer can help you know what you might not do before filing for bankruptcy, like moving money or property for family or friends, or incurring new debt in anticipation of submitting.

Most bankruptcy lawyers use specialized bankruptcy applications that place the request in the right format, makes certain the necessary information is filled in, and cross-references amounts between the programs.


There are lots of questions you will have to inquire about when you hire a bankruptcy attorney in San Diego. If you’re going through the event and you’ve got whatever you find confusing, then make sure you ask about it with the help of San Diego lawyers. In case you’ve selected a quality bankruptcy lawyer in San Diego, then they’ll be glad to answer any questions which you might have.

Who Can File a Wrongful Death Lawsuit in Colorado?

Colorado has specific rules about who can file a wrongful death lawsuit in the state, covered in this article. For additional questions, please contact a wrongful death lawyer in Colorado for more information.

Wrongful Death Claims in Colorado

In this state, a wrongful death lawsuit is a civil action that tries to establish that a person or entity is liable for someone’s death. To do this, the plaintiff must show that negligence, recklessness, or intentional behavior caused the death.

Many personal injury cases, including slip and fall cases, car accidents, and medical malpractice, can be the reason to file a wrongful death lawsuit.

In essence, a wrongful death action is a personal injury lawsuit where the injured party is deceased. However, another party can take the place of the dead and pursue the legal claim.

Who May File

Colorado statutes state who can file a wrongful death lawsuit. Particular time limits apply to each person who wants to file suit in court. In this state, the deceased’s surviving husband or wife is the only one who can file the claim in the initial year after the person’s death. After the death, the surviving husband or wife and surviving children may file a wrongful death claim during year two.

If the person who died had no surviving husband, wife, or children, the person’s mother or father could file the claim.

Additionally, the state’s representative can file the claim to recover some types of losses incurred by the estate. This is called a survival action.

Damages in a Wrongful Death Lawsuit

In most cases, the jury determines monetary damages in a wrongful death lawsuit, but a judge may perform this duty in some cases. The damages awarded in the legal action depend on case particulars. Generally, Coloradans can seek the following, following injuries:

  • Income, wages, commissions, and other compensation the person would have earned if they had survived.
  • Lost benefits, such as 401(k) and life insurance.
  • Loss of care, comfort, companionship, protection, and affection

Also, the representative of the estate can seek the following damages suffered by the estate:

  • Hospital, medical, and emergency care costs related to the person’s illness or injury, and
  • Funeral costs.

In a few cases, families may seek punitive damages. These damages are awarded to punish the person whose reckless behavior led to the death. Punitive damages also discourage other people from engaging in similar reckless behavior.

Note that a wrongful death lawsuit is a civil action and differs from a criminal case. The federal or state prosecutor files the criminal case, and punishments include jail or prison time, fines, probation, etc.

The punishment in a wrongful death lawsuit is monetary only. A criminal case and wrongful death can be filed simultaneously. If the criminal case results in an innocent verdict, the wrongful death case still may find the accused liable for the death.

Time Limits to File a Wrongful Death Lawsuit

In Colorado, the plaintiff must file a wrongful death lawsuit within 24 months (2 years) of the person’s death date. This deadline is referred to as the statute of limitations.

The time available to file this civil action is further limited by filing during certain parts of those 24 months.

For example, during year one, the person’s parents or children cannot file the claim if the spouse is still living. Only the husband or wife of the deceased can file during that year.

During year two, the husband or wife can file, but the surviving children can file. If no one else has survived, parents can file the lawsuit at any time.

Check out for more great insights and free case evaluation from an expert personal injury lawyer:






Role of litigation attorneys in a civil case

The filing of a civil case must be a complex one, and it consumes more time without a litigation attorney. So when you hire a litigation attorney, he will be responsible for your civil suit from filing the civil case to winning the case because they are experts in the field of civil laws and orders. Hiring a Civil attorney will enhance your chances of winning.

Starting a Civil Suit

Once you have hired a litigation lawyer, the first step taken by him is the initial investigation of your dispute to review your case to make sure there are enough evidence and documentation present with you to support your suit. It consumes more time, and the investigation should be thorough and difficult, then only he will be able to understand your specific situation.

If your attorney has more confidence in your evidence and documentation, he or she will take charge to enter the pleadings to the proper courts which include some charges on drafting summons and suit for your case. The complaint and summons is the initial proclamation stated by the plaintiff, which will be sent to the defendant. On the other side, the defendant has to reply to the statements by drafting a counter-claim against the plaintiff.

When the process of filing pleadings is over, your attorney moves into the next step called the discovery process, which is the most time-consuming process of all stages. In this stage, your attorney will collect and analyze the evidence which may be physical, a declaration statement from a witness. To strengthen the statement of the witness, your attorney will interview with him as a judge and also a defence attorney which includes interrogatories and depositions. Interrogatories are used for documentation processes, and depositions are considered as evidence when the witness is unable to present at a hearing.

Represent Clients in the Pre-Trial and Trial Phases

In the pre-trial phase, the expert witnesses are retained by the attorney to present the needed information for the suit in an unbiased manner. In this time, the court decides whether the case is heard by a Trial-by-Jury or to hold a Bench Trial. If the first case is decided, the attorneys from both plaintiff and defendant sides will interview jurors in an attempt to make a fair jury panel. Suppose, if both parties are interested in the bench trial, they give up their right to hearing the case by jury. In a bench trial, the judge will take the decision in the civil lawsuit.

The representatives from both parties pitch their statements in a brief manner about their dispute. Then, the litigation attorneys from the plaintiff side presented their arguments and followed by the defence attorney present their arguments to the jury or judge. Next, the evidence will be presented, and the witnesses are examined in the court on behalf of both parties. Finally, the representatives from both sides will present their closing statements.

Collect Awarded Damages

When the judge or jury announces the judgement, if it rules in favour of the plaintiff, the defendant must follow it. Else the plaintiff should impose the court order. For that, the litigation lawyers file a writ of execution for their client’s need. The writ of execution is a court order which forces the monetary judgement against the defendant. To satisfy the plaintiff opinion on judgement, it may include a takeover of the defendant’s property ordered by the judge where it will be then sold at sheriff’s sale. The other ways to satisfy monetary judgement are bank account and wage garnishments.

This article is issued by a SEO Company in Chennai to educate people in Civil suits.